Wednesday, January 16, 2013

kita kau awak aku i dan u.
Assalmualaikum salam sejahtera salam satu malaysia salam salam salam dan salam. i'll talk rojak k, cause my english is not that good as well as my malay. so yeah let's read..

as time goes by, ive use a lot of different words to bahasakan diri sendiri or panggil orang lain. first, when im with my mak,mama,apak,baba,unvles,aunties,sisters,brothers,cousins, ah senang cerita family, i call myself Lisa but i didnt really talk like this.. lisa nak keluar tau,ma.. no. i usually like.. sabtu ni sha keluar dengan kawan. lidah ni bila dengan family dia terbelit sikit. emtah asal. suara akan jadi rendah (tanda hormat kot) so ill go by "sha" or yeah kadang kadang lidah tu dah ok, terkeluar lah "lisa" tu.. takde pun siapa nak panggil kakteh sebab im suppose to be the "teh" instead of angah along and ucu.. nope,they dont use that. but,my little sister call me akak/kak lisa. but when she's mad at me she'll call me lisa.. but that usually happened once a year. my nephews used to call me makteh. especially haiqal. my first nephew.. but then dah lama lama semua panggil icha. now ive changed it to TISHA. so they will be like this tisha,haiqal nak ni.. tisha!adam nak susu. tisha! aqil nak mandi.. tisha! tishaaaaa! hahha it stands for aunty lisa. glamour lah sikit. haha.

when i was in Sri Inai kindergarten, i call myself kite and ill call them awak..with girls lah. i'll go like this.. kite nak duduk sebelah awak boleh? haa macam tu. nut with boys ill call them kau and for myself ill call aku.. so, when i entered my primary school at ampang, i used kau aku with some of my friends.. and theres no more than 10 girls,ive used kite awak with them till standard six..and theres only a guy i use saya awak with.. he's Ahmad Ikhwan Shah, i dont know why. haaa, when im in form one, there i went with my first I&U.. with syarena. i was so geli to call myself as I and calling her U atfirst.. but ive get to use it.. in kiaramas also there the first boy i used names to communicate..  its ridhwan bin mazlan. we went (ang still going) by wan dah makan ke? lisa lapar) and the first guy i used I&U with was with....... my stupid Amirul Ariffin. lol. atfirst i was using kau&aku but he said he cant get to use it... so yeah we've changed to i&u.. geli gila masa tu but now im using i&u with almost everybody.

theres only 1 guy who calls me Liss, he's Tengku Akid Bukhriz.
theres only 1 woman called me Hani, she's Mrs Malleroun from speech and drama.
theres only 1 guy who calls me L... he's Amir Amran,childhood friend.
no one has call me HANANI..
majority ppl call me LISA.
and in college, ive tried to make ppl call me Hana/L because theres  another lisa in here,everybody calls her lisa too. but i cant, ive used to ppl calling me LISA..............
p;s/segala typo & kesulitan amat dikesali. sebab im  updating this in college and the keyboard is kinda sucks,upz.salamm.

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